Welcome to Advanced Concepts in Python!

June 27-July 12

We are glad you are here! On this page, you will find instructions for each day as well as starter code, presentations, recordings, and helpful hints. Read over the syllabus below before you get started to get familiar with the flow of the course.

If you need any help, reach out to us through email or send a message on Slack. We offer office hours daily. You can find the times in the syllabus.

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Course Outline

Take your Python knowledge to the next level in Advanced Python. You’ve only scratched the surface of what Python is capable of and it is time to dig deeper. We will delve into more advanced subjects that many Python introduction courses do not get into. We will make games and learn how to automate simple tasks on our computers, just to name a few projects. Join us for this 2-week course to continue your journey with Python.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Object-orientated Programming
  • Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Composition
  • Modules
  • Packages
  • Libraries

Class Structure

The class is a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous learning. On Saturday and Sunday, 2-hour live lessons will be held. The lessons are not mandatory and will be recorded, but it is recommended you attend to get the most out of the course. The link to the live lesson will be sent out in an email the day before. During the week, assignments will be uploaded to the website for you to complete. None of the assignments are mandatory, but if you submit all of the assignments, you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Office Hours

Office hours will be held daily Monday-Friday for a period of time. They are not mandatory, but if you would like help or feedback, they are a great resource.

Submitting Work

You may submit work through the Google form on the assignment page or email the your work directly to us.

Daily Assignments

The daily assignment page will be uploaded at 8:00 AM central every morning.

Classroom Resources

Below, you will find links to resources used in the classroom including slide shows, recordings, and general topic sheets.